Sunday, June 30, 2013

LEAD issues five digital learning recommendations Summary/Reflection

LEAD issues five digital learning recommendations

     In today's world digital teaching and learning are a must. The LEAD commission's five-point blueprint would enable all school children to gain quality, hands on digital learning. Through this plan, school wiring would be up dated to ensure high speed internet access; steps would be taken to place digital devices in all students' hands; a new digital curriculum would be put in place; model schools would be funded; and teacher to student to device learning would be assured.
     "As a country, we must make digital learning a national priority for every child to have access to the same high-quality 21st century learning tools- regardless of zip code." This statement from the article addresses my one fear about modern technology. Although, they make this statement, unless LEAD can ensure that all schools in America will be funded equally, how can they truly ensure that even the poorest of schools receive the same technology as the rest?

Ali Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in learning Summary/Reflection

Ali Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in Learning 

    The video "Gaming to re-engage boys in Learning" shows Ali Carr-Chellman speaking at a TED convention. She begins by revealing some startling statistics that were discovered in the 100 girls project. Some of these statistics include: for every 100 girls there are suspended from school 250 boys are suspended from school, and for every 100 girls that are expelled from school 335 boys are expelled from school. She reviews three reason why she believes boys are acting out in the culture of school. These three reasons include: zero tolerance, fewer male teachers, and kindergarten is the old second grade. She explains how each of these is affecting boys within the school culture. She explains that instead of trying to mold and shape boys into "girls" we should instead allow them to learn how they naturally do in their everyday culture. One way we can do this is through gaming. However, the world of educational gaming must first find stable ground. In order for this to happen, there are several things that need to take place including: design better games, talk to teachers, parents, and school board members, find more money for games, and look at teachers attitudes. Once these steps have been taken, the world of educational gaming can expand and allow boys to become engaged in learning.
     Overall, I found the video very interesting. It was interesting to learn why boys tend "act out" within the classroom setting. Now, after watching this video, it is very apparent that our classroom and school setting and culture does not fit the "God" given traits of boys. It is very important for teachers to understand this and learn ways to keep their boy students engaged in learning. This video shows us that educational gaming is one way we can help our boys to become engaged in learning. Even though I believe this is a very good idea, I also believe there are many other ways that we can keep our boys engaged in learning.

Jon Hunter- Teaching the World Peace Game Summary/Reflection

Jon Hunter- Teaching the World Peace Game

      In the video "Teaching the World Peace Game" Jon Hunter is giving a speech at a TED convention about his World Peace Game. Hunter begins by giving the audience a glimpse into his past and revealing how he became an educator. From there, he discusses the creation of the World Peace Game and his reasons for creating it. Hunter continues by discussing the many accomplishments that have come from the World Peace Game. He shares several success stories of children and how they have gained ample knowledge through the game. He concludes by expressing his hope for the game and our future. 
     I was totally captivated by this video. I believe that what Jon Hunter has created and put into action with the World Peace Game is truly remarkable. I was almost in shock over how the World Peace Game became a reality. After Hunter had received his job was a gifted educator he was simply asked "What do you want to do?" He was given the freedom to create, what he calls, his "empty space." I think it is truly incredible what has come from that freedom. At one point in the video Jon Hunter offers the following apology, "I am so sorry boys and girls but the truth is, we have left this world to you in such a sad and terrible state, we hope that you can fix it for us and maybe this game will help you learn how to do it." Unfortunately, this is so very true. However, I believe that the World Peace Game could teach children how to understand and control our world in a "peaceful" and successful way. If this game was used in every classroom around the world, we truly could see our world become a better place in the future, and not to mention the incredible amount of knowledge our students would gain through such a remarkable game.

Monday, June 24, 2013

How Teachers are using technology at home and in their classrooms Summary/Reflection

How Teachers are using technology at home and in their classrooms

            The article discusses the results of a survey taken by 2,462 teachers. The survey asked teachers how they used technology (mainly the internet/internet access) in their classroom. They were asked several questions about how the use of the internet impacted their abilities to access information, and their students’ ability to access information. The survey also revealed that teachers say their students have more access to the internet at school than at home. Also the survey revealed that access of internet access is affected by the income of their personal home and or community. Higher income communities and schools have more access to technology than lower income communities and schools.
            All of the information discussed in the article was very interesting however, not very surprising. Technology has already had a huge impact on how students learn. High income schools and communities have the money to have the newest technology in the classroom and at home. However, low income schools and communities struggle to offer technology to their students. Students in the low income communities rarely have technology at home. My fear is that the students is in the low income schools will not be receiving the “privileges” that the high income schools are. There are so many questions that come with technology this is just another question that is added on top. How will the low income school keep up the high income schools? Will the high income students receive a better education? Will they be more likely to go to college?


15 Strategies Educators Can Use to Stop Cyberbullying Summary/Reflection

15 Strategies Educators Can Use to Stop Cyberbullying

            The article “15 Strategies Educators Can Use to Stop Cyberbullying” starts out by explain to readers how cyberbullying is unique and different from in-person bullying. The article emphasizes that current and future educators need to be aware of cyberbullying. The article gives many different examples of how educators can help in the fight against cyberbullying! The article concludes by reminding educators that by being aware of cyberbullying and implementing actions against it they are protecting their students’ human rights.

            During high school I was a victim of cyberbullying. Now as an adult I am a huge advocate in the fight against cyberbullying. All of the strategies in this article are great ways for educators to, not only understand and be aware of cyberbullying, but help prevent it! I think every future and current educator needs to read this article. Unfortunately, since cyberbullying happens off campus some teachers think that cyberbullying is not their problem. However, this article proves to educators that cyberbullying is in many ways connected to school (on campus).  

College hosts educational technology speaker series Summary/Reflection

College hosts educational technology speaker series

            The article “College hosts educational technology speaker series” talks about a college that hosted the T21 Speaker series.  The article explains how the T21 Speaker series is presented and what it entails.  The T21 Speaker series is a program designed for future educators. The program educates future educators on new and current technology.  The program shows future educators how to use this technology, how to implement it into the classroom, how to set up the technology in the classroom, and how to keep advancing on skills and knowledge.

            I absolutely loved this article!!! I wish we could get the T21 Speaker series at USM! I think this program is amazing. As a future educator I have my concerns about new and current technology. When it comes to ipads and smartboards , I feel overwhelmed. At this point in my education I have not had the opportunity to use ipads or smartboards. I am concerned that I will be uneducated when it comes to these technologies and others even when I am finished with school. I would love to be able to go through a program like T21 before I am out in the work world. I want to be “up to speed” on all technology before I get a job. I want to be able to implement technology into my classroom but in order to do that I have to have the education of how to do it! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning Summary/Reflection

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning


             “10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning” is a great article that offers information about ten tools that Google offers. These tools include; google docs, google forms, voice comments, research tools, write space, google dictionary/image dictionary, read & write,, google moderator, and templates. The article provides a paragraph about each of these tools. It gives information on how to use the tool and also how it is used in the classroom. The article emphasizes how these tools will maximize learning in the classroom.

                Overall, I found this article to be very interesting and informative! I have never had the opportunity to use any of these tools yet. I plan to get more familiar with some of these tools so I can use them in my future classroom. Each of the tools seems to offer something that truly will maximize learning in the classroom. These tools will also help students stay engaged in the lesson.

Concept Map/ Basic Food Groups

Basic Food Groups                                                  

I.       Grains

The grain category may not be very colorful but it still contains very yummy foods. Bread, oatmeal, and rice are all foods that can be found in the grain category. There are two different types of grains, whole grains and refined grains. Some examples of whole rains are whole wheat bread and oatmel. White bread, and white rice are examples of refined grains. It is healthier to eat more whole grains than refined grains. It is important to eat 2 servings of grains per day. 

A.    Whole Grains

1.    Whole-Wheat Flour

2.    Oatmeal

3.    Brown Rice

B.    Refined Grains

1.    White Bread

2.    White Rice

3.    White Flour

II.     Dairy

The dairy category is where some of the yummiest foods are found! Milk, cheese, yogurt, pudding, and ice cream are some examples of foods found in this category. It is important the we get 2-3 cups of dairy products everyday.
Dairy products help our bodies to stay healthy. Dairy products also help our bones to stay strong!

A.    Milk

B.    Cheese

C.    Yogurt

III.    Vegetables

Vegetables should make up a major portion of our diet. We should try to eat one to two servings of vegetables per meal. Corn, peas, broccoli, and potatoes are all examples of vegetables. Vegetables provide our bodies with nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Almost all vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked.

A.    Dark Green Vegetables

B.    Beans and Peas

C.    Starchy Vegetables

D.    Red and Orange Vegetables

IV.    Fruits

Some of the most colorful foods can be found in the fruits category! There are many different types of fruits. Watermelons, cherries, grapes, apples, and oranges are just a few examples of fruits. It is important to eat one fruit with every meal. Eating fruit helps to keep our bodies healthy.

A.    Berries

B.    Melons

V.     Protein Foods

There are many different types of foods that belong to the protein category. Chicken, steak, eggs, and nuts are all examples of protein foods. It is important for us to try and eat 2-4 oz of protein with each meal. Protein helps to give our bodies the fuel it needs to keep going. Protein also helps us to stay full so we do not over eat.

A.    Meats

B.    Poultry

C.    Nuts

D.    Eggs

E.    Seafood

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ten of the best virtual field trips Summary/Reflection

Ten of the best virtual field trips

Le Lovre

           With new technology and its integration into the classroom the term “virtual tour” is heard more and more often. Le Lovre is one of the best virtual field trips available. Le Lovre allows students to virtual travel to the Lovre museum. Students can see and experience all the amazing pieces of history and artwork that decorate the hallways.
            I am a huge fan of virtual tours or “field trips!” Back when I was in elementary school I only remember taking a hand full of field trips. Those field trips included the zoo, aquarium, and movie theater. Even though these field trip were fun, I never experienced anything incredible, or had “once in a life time” experience. I was 18 years old the first time I ever went to a “real” museum. Now looking back it is kind of sad that I did not get the chance to have that experience in school and at a younger age. I believe virtual field trips are a great way for our students to see new, exciting, and interesting things beyond just the everyday zoo field trip.


            We may be several years from an actual field trip to the moon but now with new technology we can virtual take our students to the moon! The space virtual tour is provided by NASA and allows students the opportunity to virtual travel to the moon. Once to the moon they can explore it.  The virtual tour also allows students to explore Mars!
            Again I am a huge fan of virtual tours and this virtual tour is a perfect example of why!!! This virtual tour is truly amazing! For many students it is hard to understand the concept of space because they can’t see it! A lot of times pictures on posters do not do space any justice. This virtual tour allows for students to explore moon, well virtually that is! Being able to see the moon and Mars and other aspects of space virtually will aid students in understanding  what space really looks like and other aspects of space that are otherwise are hard to understand.  


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Giving iPads to Kindergartners Summary/Reflection

Giving iPads to Kindergartners

                The article “Giving iPads to Kindergartners” discusses the recent movement of allowing Pre-K and Kindergartners to use iPads. The article gives several real life examples where iPads have been introduced and used by pre-K and kindergartners. The article gives several examples of apps that are educational and appropriate from the pre-K to kindergartner age range including: iDiary, ScootPad, and Jumpstart. The article also provides tips to follow when using iPads with children.

                The article “Giving iPads to Kindergartners” provides a very small amount of information concerning technology (iPads in this case) and how to use it with small children. I have a 3 year old cousin and she loves nothing more than playing educational games on my smartphone. The entire time she is engaged, excited, and to top it off learning something! Every time she was playing the games (apps) I was closely monitoring her and asking her questions. In a classroom of 20-30 kindergartners it would be impossible to monitor their usage closely all at one time. However, I think the iPad could be used in a station routine, where only a handful of students are using iPads at a time. There are also many other things that would need to be sorted out before introduction iPads to kindergartners. Anyone (teacher or parent) who is planning on introducing an iPad to a young child need to do a lot of research and planning beforehand! Overall, I think the use of iPads could be a very positive educational experience, when done right! 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Will Bitcoin Change How Kids Learn to Count? Summary/Reflection

Will Bitcoin Change How Kids Learn to Count?

                The article “Will Bitcoin Change How Kids Learn to Count?” introduces a new concept on how students may learn to count in the future. The article emphasizes that children have always used currency to learn to count, and they question whether or not a new digital currency will impact that current style of learning. The article expresses concerns about current and future technology impacting how children learn. However, the article also  talks about the positive side of current and future technology and how it is impacting the educational setting.  They use examples that support these concerns. The largest question that is presented in the article is ”how will we connect the digital with the physical?”
                Before reading this article I had never heard of the digital currency Bitcoin. As a child I can remember my mother and teachers using coins and dollars to help me learn to count. Coins and dollars also taught me the meaning behind money and how to pay for things. Even as an adult the idea of a digital currency is, in many ways, almost too abstract for me to understand. The idea of Bitcoin seems like a real possibility in the future, but I have huge concerns about this technology and some others. In the future, even now, teachers have to find ways to connect the digital with the physical world. If this connection can’t be made, children do not grasp the concept. Evidence shows that children learn best when they are allowed to explore, use their senses, and physical world to learn on their own and at their own pace. In the future if we rely on the “digital world,” the basic sense of learning could be lost.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Teens, Social Media, and Privacy Summary/Reflection

Teens, Social Media, and Privacy

                The article "Teens, Social Media, and Privacy" reveals details and information gathered through a survey/focus group of teen social media users. The article revolves around a survey that was conducted with 802 teen social media users. The survey was conducted on the past (2006) Facebook and MySpace teen users and also present day Facebook teen users. The article takes the survey and presents its findings in a clear and understandable way.
                I found the article" Teens, Social Media, and Privacy" very interesting! Most of the information that was discovered in the study was not very surprising to me. I was very aware that the percentage of information shared on a social media site had definitely increased in the past several years. Being a Facebook user myself, I was aware of what information was commonly shared such as: photos, hometown, present location, birthdays, etc. Even though I am a Facebook user myself, I do feel like the amount of information that is shared on a social media site is somewhat excessive. When it comes to social media sites, there is defiantly a fine line between public and private. For many teens, I think that line becomes very blurry and is hard to distinguish. It is very important for parents and teachers to teach teens the importance of privacy! 

The Teacher's Guide to Pinterest Summary/Reflection

The Teacher’s Guide to Pinterest 

     "The Teacher’s Guide to Pinterest" is a great article that discusses how the educational setting has embraced the world of social media. The article directly focuses on the social media site Pinterest. The article persuades readers to accept the world of pinning that takes place on Pinterest. It gives reasons why teachers should use Pinterest in the classroom setting. It also gives many ways that Pinterest can be used successfully in the classroom. The article truly amplifies the benefits and rewards of using a social media site like Pinterest.

     I have been a Pinterest fan from the very beginning! However, I have always been slightly hesitant when it comes to combining the educational setting with a social media site. I always knew Pinterest could offer many creative ideas for my classroom,  but I never believed Pinterest could be a true “educational” site. After reading this article, I realize there are many different ways Pinterest can benefit me, as the teacher, and also benefit my future students! I am beyond excited to use the tips I have learned from this article in my future classroom!  

Monday, June 3, 2013


Hello! My name is Mary Caroline Lindsay. I live in Poplarville Mississippi. I am an Elementary Education major with an endorsement in science at the University of Southern Mississippi. I will graduate in December 2014. I work part-time for my step-dad's company RMH Construction Services. I am also the colorguard coach for Poplarville High School. I am happily married to Waylon Lindsay. We loving being on the water (fishing, knee boarding, wakeboarding, tubing, ect...)! I have two golden retrievers, Champ and JoeJoe, they are my heart and soul!!! I am very excited about being a teacher one day!